Ghost at his finest meow!
Friday, July 31, 2015
Hey little boy do you want more!!!!!
Hey little boy do you want more!!!!! makes me smile!
This is as offroad as he gets - Jeep Lazycat
This is as offroad as he gets - Jeep Lazycat just chilling!
My cat is startled at my university work
My cat is startled at my university work startled!
A lazy Friday night for Mr Kitty
A lazy Friday night for Mr Kitty just chilling!
Kylar's first bath. It didn't go well ....
Kylar's first bath. It didn't go well .... meow!
A baby Pygmy Hippo's first swim in the big pool (Melbourne zoo)
A baby Pygmy Hippo's first swim in the big pool (Melbourne zoo) hahaha
This is Fatness, my good lookin' 20 lb rescue cat
This is Fatness, my good lookin' 20 lb rescue cat meow!
Irritated red panda, do not disturb! [Conte Crayon sketch, ref. photo in comments]
Irritated red panda, do not disturb! [Conte Crayon sketch, ref. photo in comments] red panda!
Got to meet this little guy yesterday
Got to meet this little guy yesterday red panda!
I've been told on many occasions that Newton belongs on reddit.
I've been told on many occasions that Newton belongs on reddit. meow!
Kitler likes to stay in bed on rainy days
Kitler likes to stay in bed on rainy days just chilling!
This kitty cornered a cockroach and helped me kill it!! I fucking love him soooooo much right now!!! Canned food for a week!
This kitty cornered a cockroach and helped me kill it!! I fucking love him soooooo much right now!!! Canned food for a week! meow!
Squishy, the day we brought him home last August
Squishy, the day we brought him home last August awwwwwwwwwwwwwww
Ophelia has been with us nearly two weeks and She is definitely as lovely in her personality as she is in looks.
Ophelia has been with us nearly two weeks and She is definitely as lovely in her personality as she is in looks. meow!
Roux and his epic sneeze (X-post /r/videos)

Roux and his epic sneeze (X-post /r/videos) pom pom!
Hung out with this nice stray in Bangkok for a bit today
Hung out with this nice stray in Bangkok for a bit today meow!
Please stop what you're doing and watch this baby elephant play with birds
Please stop what you're doing and watch this baby elephant play with birds makes me smile!
Baby chimp playing with a baby wolf and a baby tiger
Baby chimp playing with a baby wolf and a baby tiger baby beast!
Come back here birds!
Come back here birds! makes me smile!
Hold my nip while I drag this thing to who knows where.

Hold my nip while I drag this thing to who knows where. catnip!!
Sleeping in all day, even on his birthday!
Sleeping in all day, even on his birthday! just chilling!
He was pretty normal as a baby...
He was pretty normal as a baby... meow!
Tra la la, Tra la lee, Here they come, To light on me.......
Tra la la, Tra la lee, Here they come, To light on me....... makes me smile!
The extent of his snuggling
The extent of his snuggling just chilling!
This is my American longhair cat, Jesse. I found him stray ten years ago, and he is the bomb!
This is my American longhair cat, Jesse. I found him stray ten years ago, and he is the bomb! meow!
Bella loves that it's friday
Bella loves that it's friday meow!
Cat grooming a Dog [x-post from /r/aww]
Cat grooming a Dog [x-post from /r/aww] hahaha
Thursday, July 30, 2015
She loves her stuffed bunny. Carries it with her wherever she goes. It has to be in the same room. Anybody else's kitty do something like this?
She loves her stuffed bunny. Carries it with her wherever she goes. It has to be in the same room. Anybody else's kitty do something like this? meow!
Can you pass me the remote? Just slide it in to my hand, please
Can you pass me the remote? Just slide it in to my hand, please just chilling!
Just got a new camera. I hear Reddit /r/cats likes Ragdolls
Just got a new camera. I hear Reddit /r/cats likes Ragdolls meow!
Trying to convince my husband we need this little girl.
Trying to convince my husband we need this little girl. meow!
"Yes hooman. Acquire knowledge. I shall absorb it all."
"Yes hooman. Acquire knowledge. I shall absorb it all." meow!
I just got these two little sweeties! My first time owning cats and they are awesome!
I just got these two little sweeties! My first time owning cats and they are awesome! meow!
Adopted a new kitten, I'd say she is settling in just fine
Adopted a new kitten, I'd say she is settling in just fine meow!
Our kitty Morris! He likes to chase girls mice and chill on the porch. [Crosspost from /r/aww]
Our kitty Morris! He likes to chase girls mice and chill on the porch. [Crosspost from /r/aww] meow!
Kermit The Frog - Piggy Got Back

Kermit The Frog - Piggy Got Back oink!
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