Friday, November 30, 2018

He couldn’t go to the groomer due to a leg injury healing. So my mom tried to do it herself...and turned my Pom into Mickey Mouse 🙄

He couldn’t go to the groomer due to a leg injury healing. So my mom tried to do it herself...and turned my Pom into Mickey Mouse 🙄 pom pom!

4 months old today. Our little Blastie is out cold!

4 months old today. Our little Blastie is out cold! pom pom!

Stumbled across this good boi

Stumbled across this good boi :)

Not quite Christmas but...

Not quite Christmas but... :)

My heart has never been so full, reddit meet Incineroar (Roary for short)!

My heart has never been so full, reddit meet Incineroar (Roary for short)! meow!

This is how she spends the day in the winter. Dramatic AF (it’s 65 in here).

This is how she spends the day in the winter. Dramatic AF (it’s 65 in here). meow!


Kitty. kitty!

Nighttime zoomies {Pinot}

Nighttime zoomies {Pinot} pom pom!

It was my hooman’s birthday!❤️

It was my hooman’s birthday!❤️ :)

These boots were made for kitties

These boots were made for kitties meow!

My baby loves going for rides on my shoulders!

My baby loves going for rides on my shoulders! meow!

*UPDATE** we named him Benji (Benjamin Button) because he looks like an old man in a kids body lol

*UPDATE** we named him Benji (Benjamin Button) because he looks like an old man in a kids body lol meow!

Getting in the Christmas spirit! Lol

Getting in the Christmas spirit! Lol pom pom!

Have you ever thought about how we have these little interactive companions that love, trust and depend on us? They literally stick by us their whole lives and we are all they will ever know. So loyal and pure! Isn’t it amazing! ❤️

Have you ever thought about how we have these little interactive companions that love, trust and depend on us? They literally stick by us their whole lives and we are all they will ever know. So loyal and pure! Isn’t it amazing! ❤️ meow!

Thor and Loki seem to be enjoying their new tree

Thor and Loki seem to be enjoying their new tree meow!

Belly brushies give sleeping pupper a tickle

Belly brushies give sleeping pupper a tickle feeling good!

I was told this would be appreciated here

I was told this would be appreciated here aww wakeup!!

I was unpacking this suitcase. I guess I’m done for now.

I was unpacking this suitcase. I guess I’m done for now. just chilling!

Today my son, Aberforth, learned that sometimes humans willingly take baths.

Today my son, Aberforth, learned that sometimes humans willingly take baths. meow!

This is Mai Tai she’s 12 weeks old and supports Movember...

This is Mai Tai she’s 12 weeks old and supports Movember... pom pom!

Not exactly a hat, but it’s on his head!

Not exactly a hat, but it’s on his head! :)

Kitty corner

Kitty corner meow!

My first pom, Paco. We rescued him after his previous owner left him behind in a hurricane in 2005.

My first pom, Paco. We rescued him after his previous owner left him behind in a hurricane in 2005. pom pom!

Brush me human

Brush me human feeling good!

A terrible loss. Lily was a darling.

A terrible loss. Lily was a darling. makes me smile!


derp pom pom!

A happy girl from this summer.

A happy girl from this summer. pom pom!


Kitty. kitty!

This is our new family members ! Met Doritos and Porridge

This is our new family members ! Met Doritos and Porridge meow!

Nap time💗

Nap time💗 pom pom!

One of them is more excited about being friends than the other.

One of them is more excited about being friends than the other. pom pom!

My best friend has a European Great Dane the size of a horse. My little Pom Tucker met him a few days back. Confirmed- dogs have no concept of size. They were buddies.

My best friend has a European Great Dane the size of a horse. My little Pom Tucker met him a few days back. Confirmed- dogs have no concept of size. They were buddies. pom pom!

Wookiee or Pomeranian?

Wookiee or Pomeranian? pom pom!


Kitty. kitty!

@cat_bot_kr on twitter

@cat_bot_kr on twitter meow!

Pippa posing just after her grooming session!

Pippa posing just after her grooming session! pom pom!

Thought you all would enjoy this sitcom based on pig life

Thought you all would enjoy this sitcom based on pig life oink!


Kitty. kitty!


GOTCHA! meow!

The most adorable picture I have of her. This is Olivia. She likes to patiently await dinner at the table like a regular people.

The most adorable picture I have of her. This is Olivia. She likes to patiently await dinner at the table like a regular people. meow!

What do you think of my layout for Kitten Magazine?

What do you think of my layout for Kitten Magazine? meow!

The orphaned elephant Mukokka meets his new family at The David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust.

The orphaned elephant Mukokka meets his new family at The David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust. makes me smile!

A Starbucks in Istanbul, Turkey

A Starbucks in Istanbul, Turkey meow!


Kitty. kitty!

12345 , no 1234567, no 123456789 ?

12345 , no 1234567, no 123456789 ? aww wakeup!!

This absolute unit ❤️

This absolute unit ❤️ meow!

Instead of Black Friday, my local animal shelter had Feline Friday. Best $50 I’ve ever spent. Say hello to my new kitten Isabell!

Instead of Black Friday, my local animal shelter had Feline Friday. Best $50 I’ve ever spent. Say hello to my new kitten Isabell! meow!

I sneezed

I sneezed startled!

wobbly walk

wobbly walk awwwwwwwwwwwwwww

best friends

best friends awwwwwwwwwwwwwww