Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Found him outside my door at 3 weeks. He’s now 7 months old.

Found him outside my door at 3 weeks. He’s now 7 months old. meow!

Found this gem on the Internet today.

Found this gem on the Internet today. :)


Huh? startled!

Was away for 3 weeks for the holidays. This girl’s never laid on my lap willingly but has now been sleeping there for an hour. I guess she missed me

Was away for 3 weeks for the holidays. This girl’s never laid on my lap willingly but has now been sleeping there for an hour. I guess she missed me meow!

I love my Pom ❤️

I love my Pom ❤️ pom pom!


Kitty. kitty!

This is Mocha and she is wondering if anyone is taking applications for a flower girl.

This is Mocha and she is wondering if anyone is taking applications for a flower girl. pom pom!

Trying to make it until midnight.

Trying to make it until midnight. :)

I met this old kitty (19) named Leo today, he's lookin like a mafia boss, but don't let that face fool you! The sweetest boi ever! I had to share his pic. I'm in love

I met this old kitty (19) named Leo today, he's lookin like a mafia boss, but don't let that face fool you! The sweetest boi ever! I had to share his pic. I'm in love meow!

Silly Hats Bonus: Happy New Year!

Silly Hats Bonus: Happy New Year! :)

My boys with Santa at Christmas ❤️

My boys with Santa at Christmas ❤️ pom pom!

Happy 2020

Happy 2020 oops!

So sleepy

So sleepy aww wakeup!!

jordan is so cute in his new hat. hes pretty radical but hes still my pupper XD

jordan is so cute in his new hat. hes pretty radical but hes still my pupper XD :)

Happy New Year from Siri, the Sheriff’s Electronics Detection K-9

Happy New Year from Siri, the Sheriff’s Electronics Detection K-9 :)

take me fer a walk, ya friggin hoser

take me fer a walk, ya friggin hoser :)

Ohana means family, family means no one gets left behind or forgotten. 💙

Ohana means family, family means no one gets left behind or forgotten. 💙 pom pom!

Just a smooshed boi loving his ouch with his mama!

Just a smooshed boi loving his ouch with his mama! pom pom!

Saw this lil guy at the Woodland Park Zoo

Saw this lil guy at the Woodland Park Zoo red panda!

This is Jut, he passed away about a year ago. I don't need anyone to be sorry for me or anything, I just had to show everyone this amazing derpy picture I found.

This is Jut, he passed away about a year ago. I don't need anyone to be sorry for me or anything, I just had to show everyone this amazing derpy picture I found. meow!


Goldilocks :)

A volunteer at our local cat rescue turned on the vacuum

A volunteer at our local cat rescue turned on the vacuum startled!

Pure beautiful Pomeranian boy in Bodmin

Pure beautiful Pomeranian boy in Bodmin pom pom!

maybe maybe maybe

maybe maybe maybe startled!

vijayan tamil cinima | pilzai tamil movi | theydu tamil cinima | poiyatt...

vijayan tamil cinima | pilzai tamil movi | theydu tamil cinima | poiyatt... aww wakeup!!

Monday, December 30, 2019

Your Guide For Giving Your Kid A Quality Lifestyle

Your Guide For Giving Your Kid A Quality Lifestyle makes me smile!

I went on a roadtrip and picked up my new girl Bonnie yesterday!

I went on a roadtrip and picked up my new girl Bonnie yesterday! pom pom!

The only reason I made it through this past month of college finals, a nasty break up, and the loss of my first dog is this guy. The chillest, most loyal boy in the world, my Kosher 🥰

The only reason I made it through this past month of college finals, a nasty break up, and the loss of my first dog is this guy. The chillest, most loyal boy in the world, my Kosher 🥰 meow!

Rhino brushy!

Rhino brushy! feeling good!

Love this little guy!

Love this little guy! makes me smile!

Evil Piggy Bank -- Dark Comedy Animated Short film

Evil Piggy Bank -- Dark Comedy Animated Short film oink!

This little demon-dork tries to lick my face, then covers my airway with his neck-fluff. Anyone else have Poms try to do that?

This little demon-dork tries to lick my face, then covers my airway with his neck-fluff. Anyone else have Poms try to do that? pom pom!

I tapped the island with my toe when I turned around to take this picture.

I tapped the island with my toe when I turned around to take this picture. startled!

When he heard a noise that apparently only worries cats.

When he heard a noise that apparently only worries cats. startled!

Happy Almost New Year!

Happy Almost New Year! :)

We found this fluffy guy whilst waking around in Italy

We found this fluffy guy whilst waking around in Italy meow!


Spooked startled!

He likes brushies so much that he sits on the brushes

He likes brushies so much that he sits on the brushes feeling good!

JoJo loves to play fetch!

JoJo loves to play fetch! pom pom!

*90 seconds after begging to go outside*

*90 seconds after begging to go outside* meow!

A good cowboi

A good cowboi :)

Soooooooooo cute

Soooooooooo cute meow!

Twins born at Perth Zoo back on the 23rd (source Microsoft News)

Twins born at Perth Zoo back on the 23rd (source Microsoft News) red panda!

The proof of life pic my cat sitter sent while I was out of town.

The proof of life pic my cat sitter sent while I was out of town. meow!


Pandamonium! red panda!

My sisters Pom, Cricket, doing his bestest Olan Mills pose

My sisters Pom, Cricket, doing his bestest Olan Mills pose pom pom!

corgi pupper with his very own apartment

corgi pupper with his very own apartment corgi!!

What would you do if you had 4 arms?

What would you do if you had 4 arms? meow!

Our new baby, Scout!

Our new baby, Scout! pom pom!

Sunday, December 29, 2019