Monday, September 30, 2019


😺😺😺😺 just chilling!

Shhh mods are asleep

Shhh mods are asleep oink!

Happy Free Pigs - Rescued Pigs Enjoying Life (OC) (HD)

Happy Free Pigs - Rescued Pigs Enjoying Life (OC) (HD) oink!

Making sure he has his 5-a-day

Making sure he has his 5-a-day pom pom!


Walksies pom pom!


Derp pom pom!

Holding my hand because she’s high on ‘nip and the neighbor’s A/C unit just switched on

Holding my hand because she’s high on ‘nip and the neighbor’s A/C unit just switched on startled!


🐱🐱🐱 just chilling!

This is my cat Raven. She unfortunately passed away today. She was the best cat and I loved her dearly. RIP

This is my cat Raven. She unfortunately passed away today. She was the best cat and I loved her dearly. RIP meow!

I lost my first baby, Roxie, today. After 12 years of unwavering love and support, I think she deserves a little attention.

I lost my first baby, Roxie, today. After 12 years of unwavering love and support, I think she deserves a little attention. meow!

Phoebe battling her demons. She knows she’s not allowed to eat the dog food. Temptation is a struggle.

Phoebe battling her demons. She knows she’s not allowed to eat the dog food. Temptation is a struggle. oink!

Baby elies have tiny tongues!

Baby elies have tiny tongues! makes me smile!


Kitty. kitty!


Yep. meow!

Desi passed away in her sleep beside me early this morning. She was 19, a rescue & the reason I managed to get clean. I am eternally grateful for the love & light she brought into my life.

Desi passed away in her sleep beside me early this morning. She was 19, a rescue & the reason I managed to get clean. I am eternally grateful for the love & light she brought into my life. meow!

The face plant at the end...

The face plant at the end... makes me smile!

Appalled that I told her to get off the coffee table

Appalled that I told her to get off the coffee table startled!

Playing with a kitten.

Playing with a kitten. awwwwwwwwwwwwwww


Belly! meow!

Our little 13 week old mini Pom fluff ball Lucy

Our little 13 week old mini Pom fluff ball Lucy pom pom!

Silly Hats 180: Banananana! (Ft Ollie)

Silly Hats 180: Banananana! (Ft Ollie) :)

No, no, not those - brush is for me!

No, no, not those - brush is for me! feeling good!

Seventeen will be 17 next year

Seventeen will be 17 next year meow!

honeybear got a fresh cut today ❤️

honeybear got a fresh cut today ❤️ pom pom!

Something caught Jang's attention during lunch

Something caught Jang's attention during lunch red panda!

Two hours after bringing her home and they’re already best buds

Two hours after bringing her home and they’re already best buds meow!

Frustrated her wings don’t work 🐝

Frustrated her wings don’t work 🐝 pom pom!

Sunday, September 29, 2019


Kitty. kitty!


🤣🤣🤣 just chilling!

Little guy faceplants in the sand while crossing the road

Little guy faceplants in the sand while crossing the road makes me smile!

Tiny baby ellie

Tiny baby ellie makes me smile!

UPDATE on Ghost from Friday night post: HE’S OK!!! He had surgery yesterday and they removed some plastic from his intestines. We brought him home a couple hours ago, but he’s still very, very scared (he was semi-feral when we adopted him, so the pet hospital was an ordeal). Thank you all again ❤️

UPDATE on Ghost from Friday night post: HE’S OK!!! He had surgery yesterday and they removed some plastic from his intestines. We brought him home a couple hours ago, but he’s still very, very scared (he was semi-feral when we adopted him, so the pet hospital was an ordeal). Thank you all again ❤️ meow!

Extreme close up!!! Winter.the.pompom 🥰

Extreme close up!!! Winter.the.pompom 🥰 pom pom!

Still getting used to the new guest in the house

Still getting used to the new guest in the house meow!

She is so adorable. But she also eats poop

She is so adorable. But she also eats poop pom pom!

My bf brought my pom to school! I cry every night because I miss her and this is the first time I’ve seen her in a month! This is the longest we’ve been apart in over 13 years! It was so nice to have her to cuddle with again!

My bf brought my pom to school! I cry every night because I miss her and this is the first time I’ve seen her in a month! This is the longest we’ve been apart in over 13 years! It was so nice to have her to cuddle with again! pom pom!

My cat when I moved slightly

My cat when I moved slightly startled!

This is probably the best picture my wife has ever taken. Definitely the best of Minerva.

This is probably the best picture my wife has ever taken. Definitely the best of Minerva. meow!

Sunbeams and your finest paté, please.

Sunbeams and your finest paté, please. just chilling!

The butterfly effect.

The butterfly effect. meow!

[meta]Guys, we have a serious spam problem.

[meta]Guys, we have a serious spam problem. pom pom!

Mochi had her first bath last weekend

Mochi had her first bath last weekend pom pom!

One day, oh yes... one day...

One day, oh yes... one day... meow!

Please make my mom Reddit famous

Please make my mom Reddit famous meow!

I am yawning

I am yawning meow!

From my wife!

From my wife! pom pom!

Hi, I'm Frou

Hi, I'm Frou pom pom!

My little Belle. That look though!

My little Belle. That look though! pom pom!

A majestic boy !

A majestic boy ! pom pom!

Two cameras, one cat

Two cameras, one cat just chilling!