Saturday, November 30, 2019

New member of the family

New member of the family pom pom!

Reddit, meet Kiwi. After 25 years of being petless I’m finally a cat mom.

Reddit, meet Kiwi. After 25 years of being petless I’m finally a cat mom. meow!

Xmas Marley

Xmas Marley :)

Man and kitten taking nap!

Man and kitten taking nap! meow!

Mildly startled *kittens*.

Mildly startled *kittens*. startled!

Hi all, check out this cool company offering cute earbuds called Panda Pods. For every pairl sold, 15% is donated to helping pandad

Hi all, check out this cool company offering cute earbuds called Panda Pods. For every pairl sold, 15% is donated to helping pandad hella cute!

This friendly guy keeping me company at the AirBnB. 🐽

This friendly guy keeping me company at the AirBnB. 🐽 oink!

6 weeks to 6 months. Fuzzy to fluffy

6 weeks to 6 months. Fuzzy to fluffy meow!

Mama’s boy! This is how our baby sleeps with me every night

Mama’s boy! This is how our baby sleeps with me every night meow!

Check out what I found at my local Walmart!

Check out what I found at my local Walmart! red panda!

Little Miss melts for the brushy brushy

Little Miss melts for the brushy brushy feeling good!

What year is it!

What year is it! aww wakeup!!

Rocco being festive this thanksgiving

Rocco being festive this thanksgiving :)

Ideas for entertainment?

Ideas for entertainment? oink!

My gf works at an emergency clinic and this little cutie came in after she got hit by a car. Her two back legs are broken and she’s got some stitches. We have her home with us, we hope we can get her feeling better so she can have a loving home with us and our other cats

My gf works at an emergency clinic and this little cutie came in after she got hit by a car. Her two back legs are broken and she’s got some stitches. We have her home with us, we hope we can get her feeling better so she can have a loving home with us and our other cats meow!

2 cuties playing

2 cuties playing red panda!

My neighbors pigs always sound like they are dying is this normal?

My neighbors pigs always sound like they are dying is this normal? oink!


Kitty. kitty!

Not my dog but wish Jeff a happy birthday

Not my dog but wish Jeff a happy birthday :)

Luna is curious to meet you!

Luna is curious to meet you! meow!

Kitty visits dog show

Kitty visits dog show meow!

After my bf and I lost our first pet we were so heartbroken and felt empty. Now we are taking home this cutie from a shelter.😻🐈

After my bf and I lost our first pet we were so heartbroken and felt empty. Now we are taking home this cutie from a shelter.😻🐈 meow!

Friday, November 29, 2019

Snuggling with my little antidepressant

Snuggling with my little antidepressant meow!

This is Roger. He likes to birdwatch out of my window with 10/10 posture. He wishes everyone a great day/night.

This is Roger. He likes to birdwatch out of my window with 10/10 posture. He wishes everyone a great day/night. meow!

Winter Bear is all pooped from Black Friday shopping!!

Winter Bear is all pooped from Black Friday shopping!! pom pom!

my lil parti pom having a good belly rub sesh

my lil parti pom having a good belly rub sesh pom pom!

I think this belongs here.

I think this belongs here. feeling good!


Kitty. kitty!

He’s rather puffy and stout, but likes to be bundled up when he goes out.

He’s rather puffy and stout, but likes to be bundled up when he goes out. pom pom!

My baby was ill but now she is good, isn’t she cute?

My baby was ill but now she is good, isn’t she cute? meow!

Rest time

Rest time red panda!

That lil tongue 😋 (IG: nori.thepomi)

That lil tongue 😋 (IG: nori.thepomi) pom pom!

Look at that curl!

Look at that curl! oink!

The boys eatin there thanksgiving pumpkin 🎃 check out Instagram for more photos

The boys eatin there thanksgiving pumpkin 🎃 check out Instagram for more photos oink!

He got stuck. I had to rescue him at this point,

He got stuck. I had to rescue him at this point, meow!

Finding the sunlight today

Finding the sunlight today pom pom!

Aww yiss

Aww yiss meow!

This is how Lazy Bones watches TV

This is how Lazy Bones watches TV just chilling!

I almost lost my best friend Patsu to pneumonia, I couldn't be more thankful for his recent recovery! (ignore my half asleep face)

I almost lost my best friend Patsu to pneumonia, I couldn't be more thankful for his recent recovery! (ignore my half asleep face) meow!

My little old man using my leg as a pillow. Joe is 16!

My little old man using my leg as a pillow. Joe is 16! meow!

Someone doesn't want to sleep

Someone doesn't want to sleep awwwwwwwwwwwwwww


Bubbles makes me smile!

Fostering this little pip-squeak. Tucker is the goodest boi.

Fostering this little pip-squeak. Tucker is the goodest boi. meow!

My really focused cat

My really focused cat meow!


Surprise! red panda!

Are they cutes ?

Are they cutes ? meow!

I adopted this girl last week. We named her Leela.

I adopted this girl last week. We named her Leela. meow!